Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Every mirror reveals an image... An image often seen in contrast to the image desired... 
Yet, each mirror has its limits... Limited to reveal only what is visible without bias... It is our biases, our interpretation of what is seen that creates an expectation or desire to be prettier, cuter, or slimmer... 

An expectation that will never be satisfied if we continually strive to change or fix ourselves to fit some mold or image we have created... an image the mirror can never reveal because no matter what we do, we never seem to satisfy our own desires...

However, it is in what this mirror has no capacity to reveal that our perfections can be seen...

The image we expel with our words and our actions... Revealing to others our determination, our spirit, our true beauty beyond the physical...

It is in this inner self that we can change the world, moving mountains with kindness... Leading armies with ethics... and raising generations through values...

The mirror cannot reveal what God already sees in each of us... Live life through the eyes of the Lord and leave the mirror on the wall...

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